Ted Born Again Christian Homo Meth Message
Sad to hear about his ''saga'', just every bit it'due south written: "permit him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."
This is a serious matter. I don't believe his sin started but yesterday. He has been systematically smoking meth, having sex with a gay prostitute and lying about it for 3 years. Yet every sun he climbs the pulpit and preach to high heaven. Its a classical case of double standard. Its good thing they strip him off his pastoral title/part. I'g waiting for the Denver police to charge him for possession of illegal drugs and adultery.
The question at present is, was he built-in gay?
Well i experience now that this is a conspiracy
Gamine:Well i feel now that this is a conspiracy
He lied, he smoked meth and slept with a gay prostitute! Full stop! Become on your knees and pray for him! God withal has mercy!
It is simply astonishing to me how someone can exist able to embrace that up for iii years and not know that sooner or afterward, he would be revealed. As said, God have mercy.
Nobody is born gay.
He is only cypher but a sick hypocritical bounder, no wonder i stopped going to church and sit listening to all those b.s. oozing from their lying mouths i'd rather be met in the comfort of my dwelling on my knees praying on the 24-hour interval of rapture, i dont even blame the unbelievers with nonsenses similar these popping up aout the and so called men of God,
nobody is born gay they re ill peeps they all need to be gassed, idiots
Ndipe:Nobody is built-in gay.
gaby:nobody is built-in gay they re sick peeps they all need to be gassed, idiots
How exercise you explicate his actions? The sex role wasn't just a fling. I would empathise if information technology was just a 1 time temptation but for iii years, it got to be in his gene.
I feel so sorry for his kids and more than particularly, the wife. How do yous tell your neighbor that your husband prefers putting his kini in another guys a$$.
gaby:He is only zilch only a ill hypocritical bastard, no wonder i stopped going to church and sit listening to all those b.due south. oozing from their lying mouths i'd rather exist met in the comfort of my habitation on my knees praying on the day of rapture, i don't even blame the unbelievers with nonsenses similar these popping upwards aout the so chosen men of God,
I hope your plan works lol
labiran:It is just amazing to me how someone tin can be able to cover that up for 3 years and not know that sooner or after, he would be revealed. As said, God have mercy.
Sin is sin,simply humanly speaking,I would have felt better he were cheating with a woman(hope this comes out the style I meant information technology).
The homo attribute takes it to another dirtier,sickening,yucky yuck and down down below level, and when you realize he was there non once,not twice just over 20 times witha boyfriend homo,a 'working' homo!!!
Lord accept mercy!!!
I lack words to draw what Mrs Ted Haggard(assuming that's even his real name) is feeling right at present.
Christ is all forgiving but if I'chiliad that married woman,first I'll be on the next thing smoking to get an AIDS exam then afterward all my bags will be packed 'considering' I'll exist ready to get (after I ostend his real name because she certain married someone else).
@ babyosisi,
aye Ted Haggard is his real name. He's one of those i recollect my dad used to charge per unit very highly when i was younger.
Deplorable only true, the devil is not out to get those already under his armpits. He'due south subsequently the big fish because the crafty boyfriend knows when Haggard falls many would autumn besides and many who were tottering on the debate of indecision would readily use his fall as an excuse to pitch their tents on the wide road that leads to destruction.
Haggard's fall is ane more armament in the hands of "atheists" in their bitter struggle to testify christianity is no different from Islam. But God remains the same yesterday, today and forever!
davidylan this has been a big blow,I ask myself what went wrong?
What was the attraction,why a fellow man,why a prostitute,did he non take friends to confide in that would have counselled and laid hands?
God never embarasses his people,this man must have had ample opportunities to apologize earlier He let this be exposed.
This is unfortunate
Reminds me of a close Nigerian pastor family friend,great man of God in my town who was married too with kids and messing around with call girls.
Afterwards much warning by an unsuspecting Church fellow member through prophecies,the pastor who had led many to Christ and had been used mightily of God ended upward a frozen corpse and naked on a roadside motel in Aba later on a rendez-vous with a prostitute.
Big blow to Christians in my town.
We need to inquire God daily to search us and assistance us stay on the direct and narrow.
No man is our standard,Christ remains the ultimate example.
These things come to light every bit warning to us all.
God is a God of dear simply he will not allow his proper name to be mocked.
God never embarasses HIS people, information technology is we HIS people who choose to go the walk the long road to sin even when the Holy Spirit is warning. The bible says the Spirit will not always strive with man!
Remember David, equally mighty as he was he however brutal to the clutches of a beautiful woman. Why? Because "at the fourth dimension kings get along to battle", dear brother David was lazying around on the roof of his palace.
When men of God sin, information technology's most probable because many call back in one case a christian e'er a christian. They forget that the same bible warns that "he that thinketh he standeth must have heed lest he fall"!
I pray that God restores Pastor Haggard like he did Jimmy Swaggart.
People may ever bespeak at the past but God knows genuine repentance
Allow all men be liars and God alone be true.
When men of God fall, you wonder what volition happen to minor fry like us. But then if God be for us who can be against u.s.a.?
@Babyosisi and Davidylan,
I enjoy the maturity in the substitution between you two. Merely similar Davidylan quoted appropriately, 'let him that stand up have heed, least he fall'. The issue is that the real enemy is the 'son of perdition, the king of this world'; he is the enemy that came to steal, kill and destroy non simply lives just what comes before destroying christian life- christian faith. And he is attacking the body of christ. Dont become me wrong, Ted Haggard will confront responsibleness for his deportment if guilty. When great men of God like him fall, y'all know endless numbers can follow, only read somebody'due south post to a higher place in this thread who said he is no longer going to church once again, every bit if he and Ted Hagard will stand together on judgment day, or every bit if Ted is the 'standard' and non Jesus. Let everyman guard his faith jealously
Our God is a merciful God. One can but pray for him, his wife and family at such a times like this. Only down is not out with God, but in the court of men. Bob Gass wrote of a man who was cast out of his church following a 'fall' merely God later used him mightily post-obit repentance. This is practiced for Ted Haggard because it shows God withal has utilise of him, otherwise this issue will not be discovered, and he volition continue to exist in bondage of such pervesion and perish in it. It is difficult only the purpose of this tribulation should be for him to mature more in christ, deal with his mankind and for everybody to lookout man him/herself. Whoever has no sin, let them throw the first rock. The atheist and muslims tin cry to loftier heavens, their problem!!-- our God is merciful and wont cutting off his head or hand or stone him to death. We volition dearest Ted Haggard and still pray for him and the church and continue to pray to God to root out all trees of evil in the body of christ. Amen.
you lot prove me correct. another programmed black who has totally lost his way. know this!! the Christian religion was used and is yet being used to continue you lot and your family in bondage and penury. I am baffled equally to how easily you are brainwashed. a homo of a potent mental foundation volition ask question and seek answer earlier embarking on a conventionalities system of a god he has never seen nor heard. remember this, this was the faith that said your cracking ancestors were animals and slew them without mercy. think that.
@ jammin
huh! What are yous talking virtually? Wrong thread possibly?
You lot know it never ceases to amaze me? When will people wake up, when will people go to God for themselves and settle for nothing less than being recreated in the paradigm of the Lord Jesus past the ability of The Holy Spirit. Why are you so insistent on existence mentored, covered, shepherded and taught by cursed flesh? Does no 1 have the desire for a personal encounter with their Creator? Is no one willing to make the cede to get into His presence? You satisfy yourselves with proxies, human mediators, man-made organizational structures and religious activity in its most perverse form.
How long will y'all pin your hopes on personalities and venerate mere men? The actually weird thing in all of this is that you set this man up to fall and many to fall after/with him.
Let me explain.
I am told that equally head of the NAEA (North American Evangelical Alliance), this guy is the "embrace" for xxx one thousand thousand Christians. I am told he is the comprehend for 45'000 pastors and personally pastors a church building of 14'000. The truth is God gives that charge to no man. Men gave him that mandate. And it's stealing Gods glory.
Such an exalted position and "roofing authorization" is non granted to men, period. Men cannot cover men, 'cause flesh cannot comprehend flesh (that's known as an orgy, check out the sexual immorality amongst your MOGS!) It's trying to share the Lords glory, it's sitting in his seat. He is the merely mediator. All a human being can do is glory in the mankind, just alas, in the flesh is no good thing. Exalt the flesh and it will do what flesh does, sin, and as wickedly as information technology can.
Why do you think you MOGS and GMOGS e'er autumn so terribly, it's because mankind cannot cope with the kind of exaltation y'all give these people. Why practice you think they plough to pederasty, drugs, murder, wholesale malfeasance, grand larceny, and every evil imaginable? And when will yous read deep and end peddling out the same sorry excuses of the devil targeting MOGS/GMOGS. Mind, the devil wants every Christian wallowing and dying in sin.
If he targets them, information technology'due south because he'southward feeding off your scriptural ignorance. The devil can only affect you if you step out from under God'due south covering. Period. He is a tool in God's easily non some freelance operator. How weird is that? Exalting man and glorifying the antagonist.
Information technology's not equally if the Bible is non choc-a-cake with warnings. Where does 1 start?
In that location are more to come and it will go increasingly worse. Look to Him from whence cometh your aid, and don't even bat an eyelid when you hear of these things. Many call Him Lord, only exercise not exercise the things that He says. The signs, wonders works (huge temples, massive crusades, etc etc) avail nothing. "The Lord knows those who are His, and let everyone who names the name of Christ Lord depart from iniquity". Catamenia.
The voice of one cryin'
distressing. actually sad. but hey, lets all remember that he is but a human being. mankind and claret. susceptible to the same temptations that many of us confront. it could take been whatever one. it could have been anyone of u.s.. might not have been the aforementioned gay stuff. but sin is sin. information technology hurts but hey. all we can practise is pray. pray for him. pray for our christian leaders. The God of restoration tin restore. He did it for David. He can practice information technology for Ted Haggard.
gaby: nobody is born gay they re sick peeps they all need to be gassed, idiots
Dr. Mengele, I presume. This must be Christian charity I've heard and so much nearly.
TV01:You know information technology never ceases to amaze me? When will people wake up, when will people go to God for themselves and settle for nothing less than being recreated in the image of the Lord Jesus by the power of The Holy Spirit. Why are you and then insistent on being mentored, covered, shepherded and taught by cursed mankind? Does no i have the desire for a personal encounter with their Creator? Is no one willing to make the sacrifice to get into His presence? You satisfy yourselves with proxies, human being mediators, human being-made organizational structures and religious activity in its nearly perverse grade.
How long will you pin your hopes on personalities and venerate mere men? The really weird thing in all of this is that yous set this human being up to fall and many to fall after/with him.
Let me explain.
I am told that as head of the NAEA (North American Evangelical Alliance), this guy is the "cover" for 30 million Christians. I am told he is the embrace for 45'000 pastors and personally pastors a church of 14'000. The truth is God gives that charge to no homo. Men gave him that mandate. And it's stealing Gods glory.
Such an exalted position and "covering authority" is non granted to men, period. Men cannot encompass men, 'cause flesh cannot cover mankind (that'south known as an orgy, bank check out the sexual immorality among your MOGS!) It's trying to share the Lords glory, it's sitting in his seat. He is the only mediator. All a homo can practice is celebrity in the flesh, but alas, in the flesh is no adept thing. Exalt the flesh and it will do what flesh does, sin, and as wickedly as it tin can.
Why exercise you think you MOGS and GMOGS ever autumn so terribly, it'southward because mankind cannot cope with the kind of exaltation you give these people. Why do y'all think they turn to pederasty, drugs, murder, wholesale malfeasance, grand larceny, and every evil imaginable? And when volition you read deep and stop peddling out the same sorry excuses of the devil targeting MOGS/GMOGS. Mind, the devil wants every Christian wallowing and dying in sin.
If he targets them, it's because he's feeding off your scriptural ignorance. The devil tin can only affect y'all if you step out from nether God's covering. Period. He is a tool in God's hands non some freelance operator. How weird is that? Exalting man and glorifying the antagonist.
It's not as if the Bible is not choc-a-block with warnings. Where does i start?
There are more than to come and it will get increasingly worse. Await to Him from whence cometh your aid, and don't fifty-fifty bat an eyelid when you hear of these things. Many call Him Lord, but do not practise the things that He says. The signs, wonders works (huge temples, massive crusades, etc etc) avail nothing. "The Lord knows those who are His, and let anybody who names the proper noun of Christ Lord depart from iniquity". Period.
The vocalisation of one cryin'
Honey,judgement belongs to God almighty.
Let's non exist quick in casting arraign
With what measure ye mete it shall be meted unto you the Bible says.
No 1 made Pastor Haggard a god and he has never claimed to exist above human being,desist from conclusions you know nothing about.
If indeed yous're a Christian,choose your words with wisdom.
Rejoice with them that rejoice and mourn with they that mourn.
Take heed,y'all are but a mere man.
TV01:And when volition you read deep and end peddling out the same sorry excuses of the devil targeting MOGS/GMOGS. Listen, the devil wants every Christian wallowing and dying in sin.
If he targets them, information technology'due south because he'southward feeding off your scriptural ignorance. The devil can merely touch you if you footstep out from nether God's covering. Period. He is a tool in God's easily not some freelance operator. How weird is that? Exalting man and glorifying the adversary.
What of Job? Was the enemy feeding off his ignorance as well? Is there no more room for trials and temptations?
jammin:. I am baffled as to how easily you are brainwashed. a man of a potent mental foundation will ask question and seek answer before embarking on a belief system of a god he has never seen nor heard. remember this, this was the religion that said your great ancestors were animals and slew them without mercy. remember that.
Following your logic,how many times have you seen and touched your liver.
Do you believe you have 1.
Secondly,where does Christianity(teachings of Christ) call black men animals?.
Be ready to proove your utterances or put a vinegar-soaked sock in information technology
davidylan:What of Job? Was the enemy feeding off his ignorance too? Is at that place no more than room for trials and temptations?
The adversary is a tool in God's hands.
He is limited in what he can do .
The devil can only assail Christians if they footstep out from nether God's roofing (or break the hedge so to speak). It's possible that God may allow the devil leeway in club to fulfil His own will. Pehaps one requires trying (as The Lord was). God does not tempt anyone. Succumbing to temptation is downwardly to human giving leave to his lusts (flesh).
1 John 5:eighteen - Nosotros know that whoever is born of God does not sin; only he who has been built-in of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not impact him. James one:13 - Let no ane say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted past evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn abroad past his ain desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives nativity to sin; and sin, when it is total-grown, brings forth death.
God bless
Words fail me to describe what I feel nigh your outbursts hither. You lot have shown that yous are simply afterwards the letter of the Word and you lack the spiritual impetus that separates the called from the chosen. I was, and I'm still at the point of weeping hearing about what happened to Ted Haggard, but hither yous are trying to brand a inexpensive point over an issue that should get you crying.
David, though persecuted by Saul couldn't aid but weep over his death; acknowledging that indeed the anointed of the Lord has fallen. At the murder of Abner, here what he has to say: 2 Samuel three: 38 And the rex said unto his servants, Know ye not that at that place is a prince and a great human fallen this day in State of israel? 39 And I am this day weak, though all-powerful king; No wonder God refered to him as a human being after His center. But what are you doing here TV01? Gloating and showing yourself more than righteous over the fall of a Human being of God (Yes, he is a MOG).
I have e'er believed that you take a right centre and a wrong head. But I am seriously beginning to think perhaps, both are in the wrong. Yous may merits to take knowledge of the Letter of this Word of God, but it is obvious that the Spirit behind that Letter is absent in your response.
Oh, how I weep. Not only for Ted Haggard, but also for those who think it is fourth dimension to judge him. I pray that those spiritual ones effectually Ted volition get to him first and restore him in fright and humility, before wolves come in and condemn him to a point of no return. Afterall, He who has every right to condemn u.s.a. is the same 1 in heaven who forever makes intercession for us. I am glad His opinion of Ted Haggard and the rest of usa is different from the opinions of self righteous people of whom TV01 is main.
babyosisi:Dear,judgment belongs to God almighty.
Let'south not be quick in casting arraign
With what measure ye mete it shall be meted unto you the Bible says.No ane made Pastor Haggard a god and he has never claimed to exist higher up human being,desist from conclusions you know goose egg nearly. If indeed you're a Christian,choose your words with wisdom. Rejoice with them that rejoice and mourn with they that mourn. Have heed,you are but a mere man.
Sister BabyOsisi (Please forgive the Sister bit, information technology's just that I'd experience somewhat forward addressing yous past your tag alone),
Now to business,
If yous've read whatever of my posts, you lot'd know that I am not interested in personalities, neither am I a respecter of persons.
My postal service was to highlight what I believe to be a fundamental flaw in church construction/bureaucracy/organisation. This is not near Ted Haggard. We will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and exist judged according to our deeds. To me information technology's irrelevant what Ted Haggard claims to be or what men make him out to exist.
My position (and I reiterate), is that men are sitting in places they are not meant to, places that will always encounter them succumb. God does non call anyone to be roofing for 14'000 people, or 45'000 pastors of 30 million Saints. Even if you are every bit apprehensive every bit pie sitting in such an exalted position will see you glorying in your flesh.
God doesn't call or mandate such exaltation. And the church structures and traditions which give rise to such offices are not scripturally mandated. If y'all assume such an function, through ambition or fifty-fifty a 18-carat desire to serve, don't be surprised when your flesh gets the better of you lot. It doesn't fifty-fifty have to be to such a height before it gets you. Come across the outworking in Catholicism. Minor parish priests succumbing to perverse sexual immorality. demi-God Nigerian Pastors in can shack churches giving in to unrestrained excess, bigamy, money laundering, murder advertizing nauseum. Information technology's at all levels. No flesh shall glory in His presence - what information technology volition do is the only thing information technology nows to do!
How many people did Paul government minister also? Yet God gave him a "thorn in the side" to go on him in check. And this is a man who suffered immense privation, was afoot, sacrificed the joys of family life, was a avoiding, shipwrecked and beaten to a pulp amongst other things.
I don't judge considering I cannot justify and I don't condemn, because I cannot salve. I speak that which is glaringly obvious to those who really intendance to see. I could come in here all teary eyed playing my violin, talking of mercy and spouting misguided "judge not" platitudes, just this is not the fourth dimension to be overly pious (is at that place e'er?).
As for questioning my Christianity - suffice to say (as I ever exercise), "The Lord knows those who are His"
I tin run across y'all are focusing on me and non our shared organized religion. Permit me save you the time. I am not worth it.
Truth exist told, that'south not entirely surprising, as you announced to call back it'south about personalities.
Firstly, as I responded to BabyOsisi above, its not about any man.
Secondly, please show me where I gloated over, judged or condenmed Ted Haggard. In fact, having re-read, I did'nt even refer to the charges or allegations against him.
Thirdly, why do you insist on mis-applying Old Testament narrative to NT Christianity? I am not David to His Saul. And like I went to great pains to point out, willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, he is a victim (every bit well equally a perpetuator) of flawed church construction and tradition, which was the whole thrust of my mail service.
Fourthly, like BabyOsisi did, afterwards (incorrectly & blindly) ranting on nigh my judging, you turn effectually and question if I'm a Christian or if I have the Spirit of God. Y'all could have admonished what you perceived to be my immaturity or chastised my erroneous reading/application of scripture. But you take it on yourself to deem me "not of the kingdom of God".
Fifthly, you can weep and gnash teeth all y'all like, weep anguish and distress till kingdom come, but the fact remains (which I would have mistakenly backed y'all to repond to), there is something fundamental flawed here. Christians fall into sin every day, how many of them do you weep for? As I have previously stated the current day MOG concept and, application is function of the problem. But you take every right to choose delusion.
Sixthly, I seek not my own glory, eschew any need to have a reputation. And then please say on.
God bless.
Why shouldn't I focus on you lot TV01? Am I non instructred to seek first and ahead of mine, the interests of others? Jokes bated (though I need that), let's go into the WORD.
As usual, you accept taken the liberty to read more meanings into the biblical practices of others. No one is making this about whatsoever man, except the Man Christ Jesus. Even Christ understood the fact that information technology takes men to signal others to Him, no wonder He said to Peter 3 times to feed his sheep. Going past your conclusions, are nosotros then to condemn Campaigner Paul for telling us to follow him as he follows Christ? And I wonder why at that place are stories of other men who serve God in the Bible if all we are to do is just go along our attention only on Jesus and not on the heritage of organized religion that others take left for usa and are living in front of us. What about the admonitions in Hebrews 13: 7 Remember them which take the dominion over you, who have spoken unto yous the discussion of God: whose faith follow, considering the stop of their conversation. But of course, according to the Gospel of TV01, that is tantamount to the works of the mankind.
So the Onetime Testament is now anachronistic, unprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, correction and instructions in righteousness? A clear case of what our reactions should be to the fall of a blood brother every bit illustrated past David'southward attitude is non applicative to us as Christians? Men, I wonder what you lot will teach in your church when you eventually get an Elder (since yous do not believe in pastorship).
Your conclusions baffle me near Ted being a victim of the church structure. When are you going to understand that the things which defile a man come from the inside (the heart) unto the exterior? How come others in such a position are not Homosexuals. Nosotros know of the heritage of faith left past Kenneth Eastward. Hagin. Not in one case was he caught up in any scandal. And he was in ministry building for 70 years of his 86 years on globe. Again, y'all volition tell us it is not near personalities, but you volition see the personality in the instance of a fall, but wouldn't in the instance of a triumph.
Indeed Christians fall into sin everyday. And if I may ask, are all those victims of the Church building structure every bit well? Why practise I brand this a big deal? Considering Paul said sexual immorality is one that should not be ONCE named among us every bit Christians? And to recall it happens to be homosexuality knocks the wind out of me considering no sin represents a greater rebellion to the image of Christ every bit the sin of homosexuality. The long an brusque of the whole matter is this: there is indeed a central flaw in all of the states: THE FLESH. That flesh cannot be pacified, neither can it be prayed away. Information technology will take to be crucified, daily.
Source: https://www.nairaland.com/29802/ted-haggard-scandal
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